
I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well. ¬ Diane Ackerman

I am a lawyer. When I am not lawyering, I like to wander around and look at stuff. I have a geeky love of all things travel related (read: will read visa requirements and work out budgets for fun) and enjoy a good list (not exactly a surprise). I have a healthy sense of self preservation and do not enjoy anything involving heights.

Thomas (reluctantly on here) is a humanitarian worker. When he is not deployed somewhere interesting, he is my companion in wandering about and looking at stuff. Thomas has no problems with heights and enjoys taking me to any destination that will require me to shimmy along a rock wall or stand on the edge of a cliff. He also really wants a dog. And a goat. And a kune kune pig. And a possum.

That’s about the width of it.